06 February 2009

He just keeps getting fucking cooler

It seems that President Obama, in Dreams from my Father, shares some anecdotes about a swear-happy friend; this means that the audiobook features the President of the United States using some of the least FCC-friendly words in the English language:

As an emotional 10-year-old, I wholeheartedly approve. As a profanity enthusiast and quondam performer, however, I must give the President a note or two: These words are the jewels of expression, and you're swallowing them. Maybe that's an artifact of embarassment at the impropriety, or maybe you're so cool you don't need to punch up the delivery, and getting all Brando-mumbly on shit and motherfucker just highlights how little you care about propriety.

Your badassery is never in question, sir; but I humbly suggest that, when you have the chance to swear for public consumption, that you enjoy it: "That guy ain't shit" is both indictment and dismissal, and you get to hit both of those notes by spiking that shit right on the downbeat; chew the word up and spit it out; practice it with a little bit of a sneer. You don't need to swing for the fences on each one—no need to channel Samuel L. Jackson like some Wagnerian profanity virtuoso—but you are the President of the goddamn United States: When you let out a motherfucker, it should have some heft.

Now to close out the Obama love with an image from the mad geniuses at Superpoop:

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